Friday 17 March 2017

Quantum Information and Systems Modeling - Ground breaking research at the DEI-Quantum Nano Center

Quantum computing and systems theory has made some ground breaking research in the past few years. The power of modeling complex systems using system theory ranges from modeling simple electrical circuits, hydraulic systems, and other engineering systems to modeling of extremely complex systems such as the human brain, the universe, and even beyond.

To have a glimpse of the work done at the Dayalbagh Educational Institute in India at the Center for Quantum and Nano Computing and the Center for Consciousness study is noteworthy and indeed ground breaking.
It might be relevant at this point to refer to their publications for understanding how Quantum computing and Systems Theory come together.
Here are the links to their papers:

  1. Graph-theoretic quantum system modelling for information/computation processing circuits, Volume 40, 2011 - Issue 8

  1. Graph-theoretic quantum system modelling for neuronal microtubules as hierarchical clustered quantum Hopfield networks, Volume 43, 2014 - Issue 6.

  1. Modelling microtubules in the brain as n-qudit quantum Hopfield network and beyond, Volume 45, 2016 - Issue 1.

These are seminal papers in this domain. Anyone interested in looking at the buzzing activities taking place at the DEI, Quantum Nano Center should surely visit their blog and website to keep themselves updated. Anyone on twitter may also want to follow them, click here

Direct Links to the papers:
